Legal Notice

Head office

584, Avenue de Dunkerque, 59160 Lomme
Phone number : 03 20 92 16 54
Fax : 03 20 92 23 55
Site web :

Website design and hosting

Hosting : WPX Hosting
Webmaster / Concepteur : Thomas ALLART

Use of cookies

Cookies can be installed on your computer. A cookie does not allow us to identify you. In general, these cookies record information on browsing by users on our website (pages consulted, date and hour of consultation, etc.). You may oppose the registration of cookies by setting your browser accordingly.
In such case, WINCKELMANS S.A. does not guarantee the proper functioning of the website.

Liens hypertextes

The Website (here in after the “Website) allows using an hyperlink to its contents, provided that:
• deep linking, i.e. the pages of the Website  are not nested within the pages of another website (e.g., using frames), but it should be accessible by opening a window.
• the text in the link describes the purpose of the link.
This authorization shall not apply to websites which disseminate information with pornographic, polemical, homophobic, xenophobic or which may, to a greater extent, affect the sensitivity of the greatest number.

Reproduction or unauthorized use of any content

Any reproduction or representation of this site, whether in full or in part, by any means whatsoever, without the authorization of WINCKELMANS S.A., is prohibited and would constitute an infringement sanctioned by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Collecting and using personal data

In accordance with the French law “Loi n°78-17 du 06 janvier 1978 relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés” as amended, the User has a right to access, to modify, to rectify and to suppress its personal data.

The company does not collect any personal information that can be sold to any third party.
You may oppose to the access of your personal data at any time simply by writing to WINCKELMANS S.A., 584 Avenue de Dunkerque, 59160 Lomme – France.

Terms and conditions of use

In no case shall WINCKELMANS S.A. be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, regardless of its cause, that may result from access to or use of this website or from access to and use of other site trough this website, including but not limited to any financial or commercial damage, loss of operation, programs or data in our system, even if WINCKELMANS S.A. has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
All information is deemed to be provided by WINCKELMANS S.A. “as is”. Therefore, WINCKELMANS S.A. may at any time amends these terms and conditions by updating this page. By using this website, you agree to be bound by any change of such rules.